Christmas Eve 2020

Our Christmas Eve fun from 2020 Every year we have our Core Crew Christmas on Dec 23rd and then on December 24th we go over to my in-laws house for Christmas! This year Zach went…

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The Best Gender Neutral Nursery Ideas

Building a gender-neutral nursery for your new baby has become quite the trend lately, and for good reason: there are so many lovely ideas for gender-neutral spaces! From neutrals to pastels to animals and more,…

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Core Crew Christmas 2020

Our Core Crew Christmas 2020 Every year I say it – Core Crew Christmas is my FAVORITE! I love the day filled with JUST us and all of our special little traditions and just soaking…

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Teaching Kids About Money: Spending Smart With Dave Ramsey

My subject today is on one of my personal favorite topics: budgeting. Teaching kids about money is an important part of raising responsible adults. That includes understanding how to manage money, how to spend smart,…

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Family Christmas Activities – December 2020

Family Christmas Activities – December 2020 Every year we do lots of fun pre-Christmas activities and while 2020 was a c-razy year we didn’t let it hinder us from still embracing and enjoying the holiday…

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