Mommy Brain

Wow. When I was pregnant I wrote a post about how forgetful I became (read it here!). I thought once I became a mom that life would go back to normal. I’d have my awesome…

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Our little New Year’s

Usually for me New Year’s is a pretty big deal. Every year we always get dressed up fancy and go out to eat with Dad. The past couple years we’ve been on our own but…

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Goals for 2010

Last year I did my Goals for 2009 list and I plan to continue to do this each year. It’s something I really enjoyed when I kept a journal and I think it’s important to…

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Two things you don’t often buy together…

When I checked out at Target the cashier girl cracked up…I told her if the pregnancy test was positive that I’d be returning the condoms haha We had a little scare but all is good!…

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Sick Baby :(

Well Kye made it 9 months! But he has officially had his first cold ๐Ÿ™ Yuck! Of course he started getting sick before we left for our ski trip back in the beginning of December.…

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