Always Keep The Tags On…

When I was pregnant I thought I might be a hardcore mom. The kind that cleans everything like crazy and is super germ scared. Turns out I’m not! haha! But when I was in that…

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9 Month Pediatrician Visit

Finally we’re getting back on track! We usually have his appointment 2 weeks or so after he turns the age of the appointment so we went to his 9 month visit on Monday which was…

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9 Month Pictures

Autumn did our pictures for us again! I love that Kye is 9 months old at Christmas time because we got to do holiday themed ones ๐Ÿ™‚ She did some amazing ones for his 6…

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Hello Santa!

I was totally 100% prepared to spend the $20 and up price for Kye to meet Santa at the mall. But lucky me, I didn’t have to! It turns out our favorite local jewelry store,…

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The Parker House: Ready for Christmas!

I loved that Rachael put up pics of some of her Christmas decorations! Of course she did hers back in November and I’m just now doing mine but whatever! I’m a big fan of Christmas…

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