How I Have Survived The First Tooth

It’s been a long, long journey and I’m so thankful that Kye’s first tooth is finally here! I’ve heard that the first one is the worst (at least until the molars start coming) so I…

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Teething is worse than Childbirth

I’m not kidding. Now that my child has his first tooth (praise the LORD!) I feel like it’s safe to say that I’m knowledgeable enough on this subject to say how horrible it is. Let’s…

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Boys vs Girls

I’ve always bragged to Zach that I will outlive him since women live longer than men do! Now that I have a son I find the differences between women and men (boys and girls in…

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This is a very personal post but ya know what? Writing on this blog is how I deal. I get it all out and then I feel better…it works when I’m frustrated as a mom…

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Beginning the Weaning Process

Warning: I am discussing my feelings in this post and am not trying to offend anyone. However, this is my blog and my opinions and I want to be honest about them! When I first…

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