A Magical Birthday

Back earlier this year I saw an ad that said you can get in free on your birthday at Disney World. I’m all about a deal so Zach and I thought we’d both go to…

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25 Years of Me!

Sunday was my 25th birthday! I feel sooooo old 🙁 I’m one of those people who have always understood that getting older sucks and I’ve always dreaded it! I remember when I was little and…

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Under The Sea Halloween

Disney has had a deal for 2009 where you can get free admission on your birthday. Duh, I totally wanted to take advantage of that offer! Since my bday is the day after Halloween we…

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Red “Grapes”

About a week after Kye’s last doctors appointment Zach and I noticed a red spot on Kye’s testicles…it made me a little nervous, since that’s obviously an area I’m not too familiar with, but we…

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Nurturing a Healthy Appetite

I’ve blogged about my issues with the confusion of solid foods before and how I was never going to make my own baby food. Well I’m sort of a hypocrite! While I haven’t made actual…

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