Britt’s 9th Birthday

Britt’s 9th Birthday – December 6, 2020 Our sweet Britt turned NINE and had SUCH a fun celebration over Thanksgiving break. Britt loves “birthday facts” and it’s really neat that she and I have our…

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Spear’s 3rd Birthday Letter {From Mommy}

Today I’m sharing a copy of the “happy 3rd birthday to my son” letter written for our youngest son, Spear. Please enjoy and feel free to share! Birthday letters are a super special way to…

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Spear’s 3rd Birthday

Spear’s 3rd Birthday – December 1, 2020 We had Spear’s birthday party a couple weeks before his actual birthday due to our traveling over Thanksgiving (read all about his construction birthday party fun here!). Tucking…

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Monthly Family Recap: November 2020

Monthly Family Recap: November 2020 This month was super busy (as is clear by the fact that I’m supppper behind real-time with blogging). We kicked things off with my birthday and Katie came over to…

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Family Travel Guide: ICON Park Orlando Tips

A family travel guide with everything you need to know about ICON Park Orlando and all the ICON Park Orlando tips! Our family visits Orlando frequently and now that we own a vacation rental home…

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