6 Month Well Visit

Thursday we had Kye’s 6 month well visit. I know, I know the kid is closer to 7 months than he is 6 months but come his 9 month appointment we’re getting back on the…

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Duck Tub

Now with Kye pulling himself up all the time in his tub Zach and I realized the need to do something else. We debated about getting something so he won’t slide for the bottom and…

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Relaxing Melbourne Weekend

So I’m learning this whole new way of writing the blog and I love it! The picture feature is SO much easier!!! Anyways this past weekend we went to Melbourne to visit Mom. It’s been…

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Enjoying Our Backyard “Pool”

I’m slacking! I just uploaded the pictures off my camera and realized I forgot to post the ones from two Saturdays ago! Oops! It was a nice day and we had ZERO plans so we…

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New Favorite Toy

So I tried to make a collage of these pictures but I just don’t like them! They look great on other people’s blogs but I hate how SMALL the pictures are! No fun! Plus since…

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