6 Month Pictures

We took Kye’s 6 month pictures on Friday and I was so excited and nervous. He was super fussy for the 3 month ones so they weren’t mega awesome..but he was in a pretty good…

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Blogbook vs Scrapbook

Back in my senior year of high school we had an assignment to create a Scrapbook. We did two different ones. The first was our whole lives up to our senior year and the second…

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Sippy Cup

Since Mr. Kye is officially 6 months old it’s time to start him on the sippy cup! I read up about it on the Babywise Blog and decided to start it right when he wakes…

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Baby Clothes: not as fun as I’d expected…

When we decided to be surprised at the sex of our baby one of the few things I was disappointed about was that I wouldn’t be able to buy cute little baby clothes. I knew…

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First Veges in Photos

Kye is such a big boy now eating solids in his high chair! We have a nice little routine (shocker) where he nurses, we cuddle (if he’s in the mood…), then I put him in…

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