Labor Day with The Parkers Part II

Sunday we got up and went to church. Kye did really well as it was the longest time he’s been up in church without eating (we have to take him out of church each Sunday…

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Labor Day with The Parkers Part I

Last year we went to the Parker’s condo in Alabama for Labor Day weekend. This year we’ve added two more babies plus a boyfriend (Mr. Rusty broke his “no boyfriend/girlfriend rule” and let Casey bring…

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Waking Up Happy

People typically know Babywise as a program to get babies to sleep through the night. I hope that through my blog that people (well the few that read this anyway!) now know that Babywise is…

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Playing with Ball

As a mother I have to say that I’m amazed at the crazy fast way babies grow up!!! It’s only been 6 months but Kye has gone from a baby who just layed there to…

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6 Months Old!

Here’s how Kye is doing compared to what the book What to Expect The First Year says he “should” be doing for his age (and some pictures of him playing with Daddy’s hat too!): Kye…

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