
So it’s official! As of today I used up all my storage space for my blog!!! In a little over one year I used 1 GB of storage…which means now my blogging habit is costing…

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Summary of Month 6

This month has been a big one for our little boy! Lots of changes and tons of growth…he’s gone from a baby to a little man ๐Ÿ™‚ Newest Sound It seems like every month Kye…

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The End of Jeff and Jordan :(

Since getting DVR a couple years ago Zach and I record a good bit of TV. We watch most of the “good” shows out there. From Grey’s Anatomy, to Survivor and Real World. My personal…

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Pictures of Kye’s First 6 Months

I can’t BELIEVE that Kye is already 6 months old! It feels like just yesterday that I was HUGE and was DYING to meet my little Clover. Now he’s a big boy and I can’t…

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Babywise II – New Schedule

While I’m on my Babywise II kick I thought I’d talk some more about the book and things I learned from it! Besides the re-parenting idea I also LOVE the idea of independent playtime. I…

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