Indoor Pool Fun

I feel like I haven’t done a normal post in forever! I’m so behind! Back almost a month ago when we went to Panama City Beach we were SO impressed with the place we stayed.…

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Nana and I through the years

I really wanted to be able to put pictures with my last post but I was in Melbourne and didn’t have them easily accessible to me ๐Ÿ™‚ Now that my computer is fixed (had a…

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A Week Without Pictures

Since Kye has been born I’ve really had a lot of issues with death and the idea of dying. For awhile I thought my “death issue” was related to becoming a new parent and that…

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My First Time At The Gulf Coast!

Zach and I have known Gage for several years now as we met back in Public Relations classes in college. Zach and Gage have stayed in touch and have met up for lunch once in…

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Zach’s 25th Birthday

Friday was Zach’s 25th Birthday! I really wanted to make the day a special one, and I think I was successful ๐Ÿ˜‰ Here’s the old man with all his presents! Mom got him 2 really…

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