4 Months Old!

As Kye enters his 5th month I like to look at where he is in comparision to What To Expect The First Year discusses is the “norm” for a child his age. Kye is on…

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Summary of Month Four

Obviously, I’ve stopped the weekly Kye updates as changes have been less often I feel it can be summed up once a month in one LONG post! So here goes nothing! Here are the changes…

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Prayers for Courtney

I think most people already know about Courtney, Zach’s older sister, and her health problems. She’s 26 years old and has lupus. They found out she had lupus when she was pregnant with Colt, her…

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Babywise: What’s the Point?

I’ve been meaning to blog about this for awhile now but my experiences on Saturday finally gave me the push I needed to do it! Most parents I know do not have their babies on…

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Our First Family Tradition

When you get married it seems like every holiday gets divided up through a million little compromises. Christmas with his family, Thanksgiving with mine, alternating Easter..etc, etc etc. A lot of times I think people…

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