Change of Goals

Everyone knows that breastfeeding started off super tough for me. I had pain. I had bleeding. I had engorgement, mastitis, and yeast. Basically everything that could go wrong did! It took me about 8 weeks…

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I’m baaaaaack!

Yesterday was weigh-in day. I was pretty nervous because I didn’t do as well as I probably should have on our trip! When I weighed in though I was pumped!!! I FINALLY weigh my pre-pregnancy…

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Learning from Mistakes

So far as a parent I haven’t had anything happen that I was embarrassed about. Nothing that I didn’t want anyone to know. That, however, has changed. I debated about writing this post…I mean does…

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Zach’s Happiest Day

I have never blogged about something I didn’t live myself before, but here goes nothing ๐Ÿ™‚ As I mentioned before Mom and I got Brandon and Zach golf lessons at Sea Island from an instructor.…

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Kye’s First Pool Dip

While the guys were enjoying their golf lessons at Sea Island on Friday us ladies decided to take Kye for his first “swim” in the pool!!! I wished Zach could have been there but I…

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