Football Pictures

As mentioned last post, Kye was ultra fussy for his 3 month pictures. Well during that shoot Zach and I were hoping to get some good ones of him with Zach’s old VSU football helmet…

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Three Month Pictures

Autumn came to the house to do Kye’s 3 month pictures Saturday morning. And of course Kye was the worst he has EVER been! I guess the teething was really getting to him because he…

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Wedding Dress Shopping!

My brother, Brandon, is getting married in March! I’m so excited for both he and Chrissy and for myself as I get to be a bridesmaid for the first time ever! Yay! On Thursday Kye…

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Anniversary Trip

This past weekend Zach and I went away on our little anniversary vacation! Last year we went to Cancun and it was AMAZING! It’s actually when we decided to start trying and we conceived Kye…

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Week 14 Summary

I’m still waiting for the week to come when there isn’t something to say! Maybe kids never stop having interesting weeks? It seems like stuff is ALWAYS changing!!! Doesn’t he look so much older? Turns…

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