Week Ten Summary

We’re in the double digits now! So crazy! Here’s what’s been up with Kye this past week: Rice Cereal: As I mentioned in an earlier post Zach really wanted to try giving Kye rice cereal…

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My Motivation

We all know the saying, “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.” Well, I think whoever originally said this quote was talking about a woman’s body before a baby vs. after a baby!!!…

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Two Month Dr. Visit

This morning was Kye’s 2 month well visit to Dr. Griner’s office. It was also the day I’ve been dreading…shots! We waited for a time when Zach would be able to go because I am…

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Week Nine Summary

It’s hard to believe my little boy is 10 weeks old! Not a newborn anymore huh? Not that he has looked like a newborn for awhile but still I liked the excuse, “well we just…

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My First Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day came at the perfect time for me! I’ve been dealing with either some late baby blues or some PMSing (being back on the pill and all I guess it’s possible!). I just get…

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