My First Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day came at the perfect time for me! I’ve been dealing with either some late baby blues or some PMSing (being back on the pill and all I guess it’s possible!). I just get…

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Milk Issue Solved

Everyone knows by now that breastfeeding has been a rocky road for me. Before going to Paris I took more antibiotic for yeast and Kye also took medicine that ended while we were gone. Since…

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Two Months Old

As mentioned before, I don’t take a lot of stock in the “what your baby should be able to do” things, but I like to review them each month and see how Kye is progressing.…

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Week Eight Summary

I decided not to write about week seven as we were gone for most of it ๐Ÿ™ When we got off the plane in Valdosta I was DYING to run in the door and see…

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Gator Graduate

Saturday was Chrissy’s big graduation (with Honors! yay!) from University of Florida. My dad graduated from FSU…we were RAISED to be Seminoles and to hate all things orange and blue. But love changes all and…

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