When It Rains…

When it rains it pours and boy does it ever! After learning about Uncle Spear I was super upset and had a hard time functioning the next day and getting ready for our big trip.…

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Prayers for Uncle Spear

Why do bad things always seem to happen to the truly GOOD people? This is the question I keep playing over and over in my mind when I think of Uncle Spear and his situation.…

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Paris Trip Part Two

After the late night of the Moulin Rouge we were BEAT. The lack of sleep was catching up to us! I realized too that when you are home with a baby all day every day…

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Paris Trip Part One

I took a MILLION pictures while on the trip but won’t put them all here, facebook will have most of the pictures on it eventually! Zach and I left Valdosta at 11:40 am Saturday and…

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Traveling Tales of a Nursing Mother

Traveling Tales of a Nursing Mother We traveled to Paris when Kye was 6 weeks old. You can read about part 1 of our trip here and part 2 here! Before leaving for Paris I…

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