Traveling Tales of a Nursing Mother

Traveling Tales of a Nursing Mother We traveled to Paris when Kye was 6 weeks old. You can read about part 1 of our trip here and part 2 here! Before leaving for Paris I…

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“Sub Mom”

I know I mentioned back in January that Zach had an awesome first year with Aflac! We were so excited to learn that all his hard work came with a wonderful reward. Each year Aflac…

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Making Contact!

Kye has been enjoying reaching for things for a couple weeks now, but hasn’t really grasped the concept that when he sees something, he reaches, then he can touch it! A lot of the time…

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Passive Parenting ~ Trusting My Gut

I have always known that I’m not the most secure person in the world. I may appear pretty confident but I’m one of those people who can dish it out but who really can’t take…

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Week Six Summary

I’ve been following the Babywise Blog that I mentioned in an earlier post and something I like that she does is a weekly report on how her baby is doing. I think this is a…

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