Fondue New Years

About three years ago (or maybe even longer) Zach bought me a fondue pot for Christmas because he knew I love chocolate covered strawberries. We used the set once then it got put in our…

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New Years Does Not Equal Sexy

Grrrrr I am so so so sick of pregnancy! New Year’s is one of those nights when you are supposed to look HOTT. And you’re supposed to FEEL Hott. But do I? HECK NO. I…

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Goals for 2009

Giving up on the journal keeping I thought I’d go ahead and write my goals here! Not only is it easy to reference them online but it also keeps me more accountable because I know…

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2008 Year-End Review

For Christmas in 2001 my dad bought me an awesome gift. It’s a leather journal that has a spot to write something for each day over a 10 year period. I did really really well…

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Infant CPR Class

Today was a busy busy day. I had a million errands to run and it wore me OUT. I did several Christmas returns and lucked out and found two cute “baby’s first Christmas” outfits for…

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