Registering for Baby Things…

When we first got engaged people told us how fun it would be registering. Instead it was a pain because there was so much stuff to get then they would be out of stock or…

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Junk Mail

I never read junk mail! Never! First thing in the morning I check my e-mails (usually to see if Mom wrote me!) and before reading anything I go through and delete all the spam from…

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Halloween and My Birthday!

A very busy 24th birthday for sure! Thursday Oct 30th we celebrated my birthday with our friends! Seth and Crissy couldn’t make it so Zach, Katie, Ashley and I all enjoyed dinner at Red Lobster.…

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Zach has been a Christian his entire life. He’s only said a cuss word once and has never had a drink of alcohol. He’s admired by many people! People are always mentioning Zach’s strong Christian…

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Spoke Too Soon…

I thought I wasn’t experiencing many pregnancy symptoms but over the past couple of days I’ve discovered a few more!!! 1. Dreams: I have been having CRAZY dreams. My most common one? That I forget…

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