Toy Story Halloween Costumes for Toddlers

This year we are trying to “spend smart” so my goal for Halloween was to find the kids costumes that would be cute, yet cheap. I asked Kye what he wanted to be and he…

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Monthly Family Recap: September 2020

Monthly Family Recap: September 2020 September was a big month for our crew so that means a big blog post to go with it 😉 Casey and Aaron’s wedding weekend was the big event this…

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How To Implement Babywise With Multiple Children

Today we’re talking about how to make Babywise possible with multiple children. When I implemented Babywise techniques with my firstborn people didn’t understand what I was doing or why I was being so “hardcore.” Quickly…

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Labor Day Disney Trip: Epcot

Labor Day Disney Trip: Epcot Our first Disney day was at Magic Kingdom (you can read the post here!). We wanted to hit up Epcot this trip as it’s the only park I hadn’t yet…

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How To Prevent Common Childhood Fears

Many childhood fears are pretty common across the board: fear of the dark, fear of scary scenes in movies, fear of fast rides, fear of dogs, fear of being alone etc etc. Rather than waiting…

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