Labor Day Disney Trip: Magic Kingdom

Labor Day Disney Trip: Magic Kingdom School started a week later than usual so the kids only had one full week of school and then it was Labor Day and we weren’t mad about it!…

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Tess’s 6 Year Well Visit

Tess’s 6 Year Well Visit Tess had her 6 year well check up on September 10th. I hate that she’s “off schedule” a bit with hers but she loved that she got to skip school…

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Tour of Our Home: Tess’s Treehouse Bedroom

Tour of Our Home: Tess’s Treehouse Bedroom When we built our home in 2010 we really tried to map out a houseplant with the future in mind. At the time we only had one child…

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Monthly Family Recap: August 2020

Monthly Family Recap: August 2020 School started back in August but we also still made the most of the last bits of summer! Every single summer we put together a group and go out to…

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Great Wolf Lodge 2020

Great Wolf Lodge 2020 We visited Great Wolf Lodge for the first time in March of 2019 and Zach and I left that trip pretty confident we wouldn’t be going back. (You can read about…

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