Great Wolf Lodge 2020

Great Wolf Lodge 2020 We visited Great Wolf Lodge for the first time in March of 2019 and Zach and I left that trip pretty confident we wouldn’t be going back. (You can read about…

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Back to School 2020

Back to School 2020 Like many kids around the country my kids went to school the last day on March 12th. That’s one LONG summer. This year has just been so crazy and insane and…

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Zach’s 36th Birthday

Zach’s 36th Birthday Every. Single. Year Zach’s Birthday falls on THE first day of school. Literally every year. This year though? Covid did Zach a solid and our school system pushed back the first day…

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Monthly Family Recap: July 2020

Monthly Family Recap: July 2020 I’m literally writing this post in MID-OCTOBER. Whew. Life has been CRAZY. But I’m determined to catch back up and continue to share our family memories along the way! We…

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Dealing With The 45 Minute Intruder

Today Valerie, from Chronicles of a Babywise Mom, is guest posting on my blog, and I asked her to write on something I’m currently dealing with… the dreaded 45-minute intruder. When it comes to sleep…

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