Girl’s Weekend to Orlando and Disney Springs During Pandemic

Girl’s Weekend to Orlando and Disney Spring’s During Pandemic Obviously we’re all living in these crazy pandemic times and it’s TOUGH having SO many plans canceled or delayed and so many things up in the…

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Spear’s 2.5 Year Well Check Pediatrician Visit

Spear’s 2.5 Year Well Check Pediatrician Visit Spear had his two and a half year old well check on June 9th, 2020. I know that 2.5 year visits aren’t really necessary and that we could…

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Babywise Schedule: Birth to Six Months

What does a Babywise schedule look like from birth to six months? The Babywise sleep schedule revolves around the eat wake sleep cycle and daily routine. Reading On Becoming Babywise is a game changer for…

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How To Get Your Baby to Sleep Longer Stretches at Night

When you are in the throws of the newborn days, it feels like an eternity since you last slept well. Knowing how to get your baby to sleep longer stretches at night can feel like…

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Spear’s School Summary: Spring 2020

Spear’s School Summary: Spring 2020 Even though the year got cut short I still have no regrets in the decision to send Spear to school this school year. He’s the youngest of our kids to…

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