Our Disney Trip May 2020 – Minus the Disney

Our Disney Trip May 2020 – Minus the Disney Can I say I’m SO GLAD I didn’t set a goal of visiting Disney World every month in 2020? Glad I knocked out that goal in…

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Mustache Baby Shower Ideas: Robyn’s Mr. Man Shower!

I have been SO excited for Robyn’s mustache baby shower!!! I really, really love hosting showers for people. I wish I could afford to do them for everyone. Having a baby is such a special…

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How to Stop Baby or Toddler From Sucking Fingers

Weaning from Finger Sucking: How to Help Child Stop Sucking Fingers Babies frequently seek comfort in objects. Maybe it’s a special blanket. Maybe it’s a pacifier. Maybe it’s their thumb. Or maybe it’s random fingers.…

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Spear’s Finalization Day Celebration: May 2020

Spear’s Finalization Day Celebration: May 2020 Spear’s adoption was finalized on May 14th 2018. We decided that we’d like to always recognize this day as a family and celebrate it in some small way together.…

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When to Tell Your Child They are Adopted: How to Share Adoption Story with Child

Let’s talk about an important topic: when to tell your child they are adopted. Adoption today isn’t what it used to be. Adoption has evolved, shaped and changed over the years. Now, most adoptions are…

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