10 Reasons to Homeschool Your Kids

10 Reasons to Homeschool Your Kids Guest Post By: Christine Keys I was homeschooled for a large chunk of my education and now I’m homeschooling my own children. Honestly, the reasons to homeschool your kids…

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Life as a Working Mom… and Loving It!

Have you wondered what life as a working mom is like, from the perspective of someone who enjoys it? Robyn and I have been good friends since our oldest children were infants (going on 9…

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What To Do With Baby During Awake Time: Babywise Wake Time Tips

When you’re following Babywise techniques, you may find yourself wondering what to do with baby during awake time. After all, Babywise is ALL about sleep. How to get your baby to sleep. How to establish…

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Kye’s 11th Birthday

Kye’s 11th Birthday Kye turned 11 on March 4th. His birthday fell on a Wednesday which is always a crazy day for us. It was also Wacky Wednesday at school so Kye looked pretty hilarious…

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The Best Toys to Encourage Independent Play

The Best Toys to Encourage Independent Play Helping babies learn to entertain themselves and play on their own is a valuable, and important, skill. From a young age, I establish a solid independent playtime routine…

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