I know, I know…I owe you guys 1) some pics of this baby and 2) a nice long, descriptive, honest review of labor! I myself have JUST had the chance to sit down and look at the pictures Autumn took for us of the whole thing!
I know most women would NEVER want ANYONE to see them during the birth of their babies, however I started looking at these and it just made me swell with pride! I’m totally fine with the WORLD seeing natural childbirth in action! And I honestly think I look pretty dang good doing it too!
They are very tastefully done (nothing “down there” to worry about, however there are a couple shots of breastfeeding, again tasteful, but skip ’em if you don’t feel comfortable) so ENJOY! I will of course narrate the story asap for you guys!
Also these pictures OFFICIALLY introduce our little “Clover” to the world!
Meet: Mr. Candler Kye Parker (he will go by Kye)
Born Wednesday March 4th. 2009
at 6:55 PM
7 lb 6 oz
20 3/4 inches long
Coming up next: reasons behind his awesome name, video of us introducing him to our closest friends and family, Mommy’s version of the birth story, and Daddy’s first blog with his version of the birth story!
Get excited… If anyone else has pictures please please email them to me as I want to pick a couple of the best to put up 🙂
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Emily I am so excited to see your pictures and hear your story..I wanted to let you know that the picture link isn’t working for some reason..it goes tot he Picasa home page..Hope yall are doing great!
Ok..i lied..I got it..you have to sign into your google account to get them to work apparently. They are amazing pictures..she did a fantastic job…very tastefully done.
EEE I am such a lame friend!! I was so excited for you, it was almost embarrassing!! THANK YOU for posting pictures because they made me cry. They are so wonderful. I can’t wait to hear about EVERYTHING but take care of yourself and Kye first. Oh… and thank you for calling him Kye because I can’t say the name Candler. I don’t know why but I get so tounge tied!!!! hahahaha
Emily, Kye is beautiful! I’m so happy for you! I hope you are enjoying these first few days getting to know your little boy. I can’t wait to hear how natural childbirth went for you. The pictures are amzing. You looked so pretty! You are going to love having a son. Lille boys are so easy and so much fun. Congrats again on your new beautiful family. I’m so happy for yall!
Love the pictures! Please call me if there is anything that you need help with. I know how important the whole breastfeeding thing is for you, I am totally here for you anytime if you need help. Also, I can get the CD from Autumn tomorrow and bring it out to you, just let me know 😉
Ah Emily, those pictures are beautiful. I cried the whole way through, for you and for the memories and emotions of my own experience. You look so happy and at peace I am so glad you had a good experience (from what I see!) Enjoy every single second the time goes so quickly!