Last year our local library hosted a Snow Day over Christmas Break and we had a GREAT time! I knew I wanted to make it a priority to do again this year. I even bought the kids hats and gloves so we’d be ready when the day arrived. For some reason they didn’t do it as early as before and actually hosted it on Jan 3rd, which is Mrs. Charlotte’s birthday. It ended up all working out so perfectly because we invited Casey and Jordan to come (of course!) and also invited Mrs. Charlotte and Mr. Rusty and we were able to spend time with Mrs. Charlotte on her special day! Courtney and her crew were out of town so I hate they missed out on the fun, I know Colt and Payton would have loved it!!!
Last year we rushed to get there right when the event started and we ended up having to wait forever while they blew the snow. So this year we just waited for the kids to wake up from nap and got there well after it was underway!
While leaving I handed Zach Kye’s jacket and gloves to bring with us. Well guess what got left at home? Yup. Kye’s jacket. And gloves. Ugh. I was SO mad. Mostly about the gloves because I wanted Kye to really be able to have fun and play in the snow and not worry about his hands being cold and wet. Mrs. Charlotte had a random jacket in her car so he wore that and I gave him my gloves to wear. Bless his heart he looked like a little ragamuffin.
This picture is classic…not only because of Kye’s style…
Ready to play!!!
They had an area where you could throw snow balls and try to make it through the targets. I often catch Kye being taken advantage of for his kindness. It really warms my heart that he will continue to do the right thing…not only when no adult is watching, but also when others around him are not making good choices. But it also makes me sad to see him being so sweet and others just walking all over him for it. He stood and waited for his turn to throw the snowballs while other kids kept jumping in front of him and throwing theirs and he just stood there waiting! Finally I went over there and helped the kids take turns. Typical Emily 😉
Womans jacket and gloves and doesn’t mind a bit! I know the age of embarrassment isn’t too far away but I’m thankful he’s not there yet!
Always down for some fun!
Kye’s goal was to build a snowman so, of course, everyone made it happen!
So proud. I love this 🙂
Britt didn’t last too long with the snow. She started saying “don’t like it! don’t like it!” and just wanted to be held. We were there for less than an hour but I did NOT want to rush Kye. We don’t ever get to see snow and I wanted him to have a chance to really play and have fun. Thankfully Britt was totally content to be passed around to everyone while Kye enjoyed his fun!
I’ve never captured a picture of this before but this is SO special. Aunt Karen always does this “baby rabbits” thing with the kids where she makes a little sound in their ears. From a super early age Britt just LOVED it. We do it all the time with her, even now. It instantly calms her. Quiets her. Gives her comfort. I 100% plan to try it out on Leo too 😉 But for now it’s a special Britt thing 🙂
Big Papa’s turn!
After we were all snowed out we told G-Mama to pick a restaurant and we ended up going to eat at Texas Roadhouse. It was SO FUN. We rarely go out to eat or do things randomly like that and we truly enjoyed it!!! Plus we got to spend extra time with everyone and it was the perfect ending to the winter break! Kye even suggested that everyone meet up at The Mix for dessert. Snow and then ice cream? Who can say no to that?!?!
These ice cream faces are pretty hilairous!
It was a SUPER fun time and I know that the “snow day” will be something we always do our best to attend each year. Plus check out who made the paper the next day…Kye’s snowman!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Second year in a row that I've missed out on this! ugh! It looks so fun! And btw, SO PROUD of you for beings so spontaneous! I love it!