Doesn’t it ALWAYS seem like horrible things happen to the best people? I read lots and lots (as you can see on my sidebar) of blogs and will stumble across ones all the time about happy, God-loving families who get hit with such tough things to deal with. Children being sick, children dying, personal struggles, the list goes on and on. While reading these type of blogs you can’t help but think “I’m so blessed. I’m so lucky.” And part of you walks away from reading them wondering when the other shoe will drop and something horrible will happen to YOU.
A couple weeks ago I was on Facebook (shocker) and saw that several girls from my high school were asking for prayers in their status for a “friend from high school.” Of course I was concerned. Their high school was MY high school so who needed the prayers??? I asked Jessica who was sweet enough to fill me in and send me more info about Becky (Hebert) Stimpson, who has been diagnosed with cancer.
She was ONE grade older than me in school and we weren’t friends or anything but I remember her as one of those sweet, bubbly, cheerleader types that all the students and teachers alike admired. She seemed like the “Claire Hudlow” (one of my good friends who was just so perfect in every way in my eyes!) of their grade and it makes you step back and again wonder why SHE has to go through something like this?!? Those “bad” kids who ran around doing drugs and jumping in bed with anyone are all probably healthy as can be. But the sweet girl who was a good kid and did the right things is battling cancer. Not fair! Not fair!
It reminds me of Uncle Spear and how upset I was when I learned of his battle with ALS. Again, he’s an AMAZING guy…why him? We ask ourselves this but we’ll never know the answer (add it to the list of questions to ask God in Heaven for sure!).
Becky has started a blog to follow her throughout this tough journey. You can read more about her at: I think blogging about it is such a great idea. It helps keep family and friends informed at how you’re doing and it gives you an outlet to get out any frustrations and other emotions you face. I have read most of the entries and some that he husband, Josh, wrote are so touching. It’s so inspiring to read how positive they are looking at the situation and how they aren’t letting the cancer consume their lives. It’s a reminder that God won’t let us go through anything that we can’t handle and that HE is there to guide us through everything in life.
Please add Becky to your prayer list as I have added her to mine and know that the power of prayer is so, so strong!
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- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
I'm keeping Becky and her family in my prayers!