It has been raining like CRAZY here due to Fay. I think we are just starting to see what will be headed our way this next week. Luckily today I spent the whole day inside preparing for our housewarming party tomorrow, yes I said tomorrow. I am so nervous that it will be too stormy for anyone to show up and we spent about $200 on food and the whole day preparing it!
I do think that after all my freaking out yesterday worried about not having symptoms that God made sure I KNOW I’m pregnant today! I was in the kitchen for about 5 straight hours cooking things for tomorrow and my feet hurt worse than spending an entire day walking through NYC! And also my calf muscles are so tight!!! Strange huh? But being so tired from something I’d do normally when preparing for a gathering like this really helps me to realize there IS a baby in there!!!
Right now our backyard is flooded and I hope it doesn’t get into our new storage shed. Zach’s beautiful yard work is ruined covered in leaves! But luckily we haven’t had it NEARLY as bad as my family has in Melbourne. This pic is one my cousin took outside of his house!
Luckily both my mom’s and grandma’s houses are fine. However, not the rest of the family has been as fortunate. My aunt and uncle’s screened in porch is a disaster zone, but worst of all Aunt Becky and Lonnie have completely lost their home. It flooded so badly in Palm Bay that they had to evacuate and their house not only has horrible flooding but also the sewage has come into their home through their sinks, toliets and tubs! Can you imagine?
Please keep both Aunt Becky and Lonnie in your prayers as they are working on contacting FEMA in hopes to have a trailer on their property until their home can be repaired. In the meantime my mom, who is a saint, has volunteered for them to stay with her! I know this will be difficult, not because of the adults but because of the dogs! My mom has three of her own and Aunt Becky and Lonnie have three HUGE ones! I’m sure many memories will be made during this time but it is such a blessing to have family isn’t it? My mom and Aunt Becky have always been considered the most alike out of the four sisters and I’m sure this time together in close quarters will bring their relationship even closer.
Please please keep everyone affected by Fay in your prayers, but especially Aunt Becky and Lonnie! I really hope their adorable home can be repaired and that their belongings will survive all this mess!
Hope to have a turnout tomorrow at the Housewarming…we’ll see…
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