If you haven’t already noticed we’ve been spending a lot more time with the family lately. Really Casey and Jordan’s wedding just brought us all so much closer together! Prior to the wedding I always enjoyed Parker family time…but since then I’ve been all about initiating it π
Big Daddy turned 85 on Aug 15th and we all got together to celebrate! He LOVES fish so we all met up in Lake Park at a tiny little restaurant in the middle of nowhere for dinner. We were all hardcore on the Challenge so I think majority of us ordered grilled chicken π
Colt wanted to hold Britt-Britt
My kids ADORE Aunt Courtney
Casey is trying to get them to like her best haha
I did not take a SINGLE picture from that evening…so Jordan can blame someone else for this π
Birthday Boy chowing down!
Haha aren’t these hilarious?!? I’m thinking Casey took my camera???
Aunt Karen
Casey and Colt
It was a fun night with everyone out to eat! Lake Park is pretty far away for us so we were the first ones there and the first ones to leave. Britt was hardcore teething at that time and would not drink her bottle. It was frustrating. We got so wrapped up in everything going on that we rushed out to get home and got halfway to our house when Mrs. Charlotte called and said we FORGOT TO PAY OUR BILL!!! Talk about embarrassment!!! We debated turning around and going back but ended up just paying Mrs. Charlotte back for it. Gah mortified!!!
It was funny because Kye had so much fun with his cousins at dinner that when we got home he said “Mommy we need to go back with our credit card right now to pay” It was the moment we realized that he may be sitting in the back seat…but he is for sure listening to every word we say. Gotta watch ourselves!!!
Another fun family time occurred the evening of our Parker Family Photos. We thought it’d be fun to all gather at our house and just hang out. Since it was Day 11 of the Advocare 24 Day Challenge for everyone we decided to have a “bring your own healthy dish to share” dinner! It was SUCH a fun afternoon and we all LOVED the meal. It was honestly so much better than the usual hamburgers, baked beans, and potato salad menu we’d have!
Courtney’s kids are obsessed with Levi…thankfully he’s yet to bite either of them!
Brittlynn is starting to LOVE the pool!!!
With G-Mama
My turn π
Water guns were a huge hit
Uncle Jordan and Colt
Haha Casey π
I love to see her laughing and playing in the water!
I am SO proud of all of us for taking the Challenge so seriously! I was already done with my Challenge but was (and still am) continuing to use products to help meet my weight loss goals so I appreciated not having a bunch of junk food for dinner. Zach grilled chicken with seasoning and cheese on top, Casey brought corn on the cob for the grill, Courtney brought yummy salad stuff, Mrs. Charlotte made her famous zipper peas and brought some whole wheat dinner rolls, and we all drank water (Zach had Crystal Light but he’s no longer even drinking that after he FINALLY read the info I sent him about how HORRIBLE it is for you!!! You can read it here). It was such a successful dinner and SO YUMMY too!!!
I’ll be SO SAD when it’s too cold to use the pool. I’ve straight up loved having everyone over so often to hang out and swim! We’ll have to think of some fun things to do inside once it gets colder outside π Maybe some fierce Wii Sports competitions or something π
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025