DVDS over TV

As many of you know, my children don’t watch tv. Sure, they may be allowed to watch a few minutes of an occasional football game or golf game or some other sporting event (like the…

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Magical Memories!

So we are on the cheap, cheap, cheaper than cheap kind life style now…and we’re rockin’ it! For lunch at Disney we packed our own food from home. Zach made himself some sausage balls and…

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A Saturday of Firsts!

We live close to a really nice golf course where they hold a pretty legit golf tournament each year. Zach has lived here his entire life but has never been to the tournament…or ANY golf tournament…

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CFA Pirate and Princess Night!

Kye’s FAVORITE place to go is to Chick-Fil-A. Hands down, no questions asked. And as a mama, I LOVE Chick-Fil-A too. Great food, clean environment, super friendly employees, play area, and especially awesome family nights! On…

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Easter Eve

On the day before Easter we had a busy day! I was dealing with a LOT of stress around that time and my body wasn’t able to handle it anymore. I felt super sick and…

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