The Best Dollhouse for a 2 Year Old

What little girl doesn’t love to play with dollhouses? There’s so much room for imagination and creativity, even from an early age! And finding the best dollhouse for a 2-year-old is not as hard as…

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Tips for Visiting Jacksonville Zoo: Jacksonville Zoo Planning Guide

As a parent of little ones, it can be hard to find family-friendly activities that don’t break the bank. A zoo visit is a great way to make memories while interacting with exciting zoo animals.…

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Charleston, SC for Couples: Travel Guide and Planning Tips

For our 14th wedding anniversary, my husband and I decided to visit Charleston, South Carolina. We had THE best time exploring this historic area and found many fun things to do in Charleston, SC for…

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Spear’s Finalization Day Celebration: May 2021

Every year we recognize the anniversary of the day that Spear’s adoption was finalized. I understand that many people, both in and outside of the adoption community, find Gotcha Day to be offensive…and I understand…

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How to Set Yes Day Rules: Our Yes Day Experience

Let’s talk about setting ground rules for “yes day” and our Yes Day 2019. A few years ago we started having a “Yes Day” each summer. What is “Yes Day” you ask? I’m not sure…

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