When Bribery Works as a Parenting Tool

I know the title of this post might scare some people off…bribery? Let me go ahead and say that I do NOT believe in using bribery as a parenting tool, other than in certain circumstances.…

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Pirate’s and Pals Fireworks Voyage

The final Disney post!!!  A fellow Disney lover friend of mine, Amanda, posted on FB awhile back about a Pirate Night thing they did with their sons. I hadn’t ever heard of it before and…

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Magic Kingdom Morning 1

When I first made my line itineraries for each day I assumed we wouldn’t be finished with Cinderella’s Royal Table until 10. Chef Mickey typically takes us around 90 minutes so I assumed the same…

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Cinderella’s Royal Table

When we just had Kye Zach and I talked about if/when we ever had a daughter that we would for sure do a Princess dining experience. I am a Disney lover. I don’t mind waiting in…

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Britt Monthly Summary – Jan

Everything about Britt from Jan! Date Night With Daddy: The afternoon/evening when I took Kye to see Cinderella…Zach took the opportunity as a chance to have some quality time with Britt. Now that she’s getting older…

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