“How Many Kids Do You Want?” – Preparing for a Large Family

“How Many Kids Do You Want?” – Preparing for a Large Family At the time I originally wrote this post I had two children. It’s so neat to see how our family ended up –…

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2013 In Pictures

2013 was a year filled with many wonderful memories and blessings for our family, as well as many times of sadness and heartbreak. I tried very hard to find the good in all things and…

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Britt Summary of Month 23

Be warned: This post has picture OVERLOAD! Blame it on the new camera 😉 And enjoy it b/c Britt’s monthly post from Dec will be pretty dang empty. I took hardly any random pics this…

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Finding Out About #3!

It was SO exciting announcing our news yesterday to everyone! Thank you for all the sweet well-wishes and congratulations…it’s going to be a fun blog topic for sure 😉  Zach and I are very planned…

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Everybody Hurts

For me, the holiday season really kicks off at Halloween/My Birthday. My birthday is the day after Halloween and then a couple weeks later is Thanksgiving. Then Britt’s birthday. Then Christmas.  On my birthday this…

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