Britt School Work Fall 2016

Britt has BLOWN US AWAY this school year. It’s crazy to me that she was once a little girl who couldn’t sit still and I was nervous about how she’d do in school. Out of…

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Snow Day 2017

Snow Day at the library is one of our favorite family traditions. Last year we ended up missing out on it because I think they canceled it due to weather and never rescheduled? Or they…

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2016 In Pictures

Every year since I first started blogging I’ve done a “year in pictures” post at the end of each year. 2016 was no walk in the park for our family and we’re thankful to put…

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Britt Monthly Summary: December 2016

December kicked off Britt’s year of being 5!!! Zach and I went away for a night for our “pre-Christmas getaway” and spread the kids out to make things easier. Plus they all have SO much…

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Family Fun: December 2016

We got home from Disney on Dec 2nd. Kicking off the month with a Disney hangover was not the best. Whew, reality is NOT fun after a full week at DISNEY!!! Naps help ๐Ÿ˜‰ Yes,…

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