Christmas 2016

I have never gotten a GOOD nights sleep on Christmas Eve. Usually we have a kid (or two!) sharing the room with us or a kid who is sick or I’m up nursing a newborn.…

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Christmas Eve 2016

Every year we spend Christmas Eve day and night at Mrs. Charlotte’s house and then on Christmas Morning we go over to Big Daddy’s when we leave her house before we head home. This year…

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Our Little Family Christmas 2016

A couple years ago Zach and I started a new tradition. Ever year we spend the night at Mrs. Charlotte and Mr. Rusty’s house on Dec 24th so we don’t get any actual Christmas celebration…

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Pre-Christmas FUN! 2016

We had a busy holiday season this year, as always! Our church put on a holiday party and the kids all got to go on stage and sing several songs. It was for ages 2…

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Britt’s 5th Birthday Letter {From Mommy}

Dear Britt, When I was 5 years old I would tell people “I’m five and I’m going to be five FOREVER!” It is still so insane to me that I continued to grow up and…

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