Summer Recap: Week 7

Week 7 of summer was a BUMMER. We left from the Parker trip early due to my face situation and my week pretty much consisted of doctors visits and zero fun.  This week covers Monday…

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Parker Family Vaca 2016

Every year we go away for a few days with Zach’s family. This year we went down to Orlando for a long weekend! Britt was in hardcore princess dance camp mode and did some dancing…

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Zootopia Night

Occasionally blogging will have some perks, sometimes those perks are free stuff which I’m totally all about! TOMY sent me a brand new toy to review and the kids were SO excited! It’s no secret…

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Summer 2016 Recap: Week 6

After the LONG post for the last recap it’s nice that this is a “shorter week.” We left for vaca with Zach’s family on Thursday so this post just covers June 18th – June 23rd.…

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Father’s Day 2016

Every year for Father’s Day we celebrate the day prior and we go on a family golf outing. Zach had back surgery in mid-May and there was just no way his back was recovered enough…

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