Britt Monthly Summary: May 2016

This is a summary of Britt’s month of May! Her class had a little end of the year fiesta so we did our best to dress in theme for the event 🙂 Tess came along…

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Family Fun: May 2016

This is a summary of our month of May! It was not a super fun month. Lots of heartbreak, pain, and recovery. Just a tough month for our entire family as a whole.  We spent…

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Summer Recap: Week 2 2016

This week of summer covers Mon May 23rd – May 28th! It was Kye’s first week of summer and we were so pumped! Zach was recovering well from his back surgery and started back to…

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Summer Recap: Week 1 2016

I really enjoyed doing weekly summer recaps last summer so I’m keeping that up this summer as well! Britt’s last day of school was Thursday May 12th so this “week” is a little longer than…

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Britt School Work: Spring 2016

Britt LOVED school this year and I’m so thankful for her amazing teachers and all of the great staff at her pre-school. She had a wonderful end of the year report. She got “Ms” across…

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