Last Days of School

This was Kye’s first year in public school so he had a couple more weeks left when Britt got out for summer! It made me sad that he had to miss out on our summer…

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Mother’s Day 2016

This year just hasn’t been my year for “Emily” holidays haha. My actual birthday was a rough day and we didn’t end up celebrating until the last day of November (my bday is the 1st),…

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Britt Monthly Summary: April 2016

This is a summary from Britt’s month in April! I was SO BUMMED when our Cali trip fell during the same time as Britt’s Muffins with Mom day at school. I know it’s just ONE…

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What’s Up Wednesday {6-26-16}

This is my first time ever linking up for What’s Up Wednesday but it’s 10:55 PM and my steroids are raging (prescription ones…more to come on that doozy) so I don’t see sleep coming anytime soon! Might…

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Cocoa Beach Trip Part 2

We lucked out the first part of the trip with the weather! We couldn’t believe it hadn’t stormed on us yet, but we knew it was coming. On Saturday we went ahead and planned to…

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