Britt Monthly Summary: January 2016

This post covers Britt’s month of Jan! This month we had another class field trip with her school! She’s had more field trips this year than I think Kye did his whole preschool career ๐Ÿ™‚ …

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Family Fun January 2016

Jan was a VERY low-key month for our family. I am a person who likes a full plate. I don’t do well if it’s too full but I also don’t do well if it’s empty either.…

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New Year’s 2016

We go mega low-key when it comes to Christmas holiday season. This year Zach ended up being home more than ever before which only added to the chill factor (and made us thankful for our…

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2015 In Pictures

FINALLY wrapping up 2015! Whew! It was really such an amazing year from start to finish. We love to recap our year on New Year’s Eve and talk about our favorite moments and favorite vacations…

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Britt Monthly Summary: December 2015

This post covers all of Britt from the month of December! The BIG NEWS this month (aside from Britt turning 4, of course) was that Britt FINALLY filled her Happy Heart chart! Back in early…

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