Downtown Disney – Disney Springs

After our breakfast at Cape May we drove over to check out Downtown Disney which is now officially known as Disney Springs. It’s been a hot mess of construction for a LONG time but is…

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Cape May Breakfast

We love character dining! The #1 place I recommend to everyone all the time is Chef Mickey’s but this visit we thought we’d mix it up and try something new. Since Tess and Carter are…

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Visit to Animal Kingdom Lodge

Disney is expensive. There is no way to get around that: if you go to Disney, you WILL spend money. However, something I love about Disney is that there are SO many affordable/free options. We…

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Disney “Hangover” Morning

The day after our fabulous Disney adventure was Casey’s legit birthday. It worked out great because they got to be in Orlando for her special day and really celebrate! They went to Sea World for…

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Magic Kingdom Afternoon: The Day of Dancing and Dumbo

You can read about our morning at Magic Kingdom here! After our fabulous lunch at Be Our Guest Zach took both kids to ride Splash Mountain. I headed over to the Christmas Shoppe to buy our traditional…

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