Tools to Help Keep the Focus on God in our Home

Growing up I was raised Catholic. We attended mass pretty regularly and were pretty involved with our church family. I didn’t know all of the Bible stories or have a very strong relationship with God…

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Family Fun: August

I LOVED doing the weekly summer recap posts and decided to keep that trend going but do monthly family fun posts ๐Ÿ™‚ Hopefully it’ll help cut down some on the kids’ monthly posts for me…

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Summer Recap: Week 12

This is the LAST of the summer recap posts! This post covers from Saturday August 1st – Friday August 7th. It was a BUSY week including Kye’s Open House and First Day of School, Britt’s…

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Britt’s 1st Day of 3 Year Old Preschool

This year is Britt’s first year at school without her brother! Last year was SUCH a blessing having them both together and I’m truly so thankful that Kye was able to have kindergarten at the…

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Zach’s “in my 30s” Birthday!

Zach’s birthday has always been at a “tough time” of the year for him. I feel bad because as a kid he grew up always having football practice on his birthday and now as an…

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