Father’s Day Celebration 2015

This year we celebrated Father’s Day the Saturday following the legit holiday. You can read about Father’s Day here ๐Ÿ™‚ We kicked the day off with some breakfast from Hardee’s which is one of Zach’s favorite…

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Car Seat Safety: Beyond Age 2

Car Seat Safety: Beyond Age 2 A while back I wrote this post on car seat safety.  Today I want to discuss what happens after the age of 2. Car Seat Safety Beyond Age 2…

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Summer Recap: Week 6

This is a recap of our 6th week of summer. I’m really liking this format of blogging! It’s so much better than doing small posts of every thing we do and it gives me a…

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Father’s Day 2015

We typically celebrate Father’s Day (as well as Mother’s Day) the Saturday prior to the actual day, but this year due to schedule conflicts we waited until the Saturday following Father’s Day to celebrate. So…

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Summer Recap: Week 5

This is a recap of our 5th week of summer. We got back from the Parker Family Trip on Monday June 15th so this covers Tuesday June 16th through Friday June 19th ๐Ÿ™‚  I feel…

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