Britt School Work ~ Spring 2015
Britt had a fantastic first year of school! Zach and I are both so very proud of her! She made so many friends and had so much fun. Most importantly she behaved so well and never…
View PostBritt had a fantastic first year of school! Zach and I are both so very proud of her! She made so many friends and had so much fun. Most importantly she behaved so well and never…
View PostI LOVE SUMMER! I get super pumped when summer comes around. The kids and I like to have a list of things we want to accomplish over the summer and it’s fun for me to…
View PostThe last day of school was special for two reasons: it was Britt’s first ever last day of school and it was Kye’s last day ever at preschool. It was also their last day together attending the…
View PostSo I’ll be honest. The only reason we got Kye’s fall picture is because we HAD TO get Britt’s. I mean look at that beautiful smile!!! I LOVE this! Her spring picture also ended up…
View PostLast year we attended a little graduation type ceremony for Kye when he completed k4. His school has the ceremony for both K4 and K5 since so many kids go on to kindergarten other places.…
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