Disney on Ice: Let’s Celebrate!

I had seen pictures of people with their kids at Disney on Ice productions over the years but hadn’t ever looked into it much for my own children. I realized Kye is now 6 and…

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Britt’s First Dental Cleaning

I know a lot of parenting books now recommend taking babies to the dentist at a year old, and some even say to take them as early as when they get their first tooth. We…

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Wacky Wednesday

Every year that Kye has been in preschool Wacky Wednesday has been his favorite day. Kindergarten is the highest grade possible in his school so this year it was his last time getting to experience…

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Easter Afternoon 2015

After church services on Easter morning we headed straight over to Mema’s house. Timing really worked out great and we were able to get some family pics before Tess went down for nap and before…

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Easter Morning 2015

I have a friend that posted pics of her family the day before Easter…they ask the Easter Bunny to come Saturday morning rather than Sunday morning. Does anyone else do this? Because it’s genius. Sunday mornings…

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