Tess Summary of Month 7

Tess turned 6 months old on January 31st. This post covers her 7th month of life which was from Jan 31st – Feb 28th.  Nursing: I had a good bit of nipple pain this month. Just…

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Britt Monthly Summary: February

Britt is really embracing being 3 and already talks about how she’s “almost 4.” She is a girl who is in a rush to grow up and I wish she’d SLOW DOWN!!! I feel like…

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Photos with Lindsey Nichole Photography

Something that I have found to be true of living in South Georgia is that everyone is related. When I first moved here Zach would always introduce me to “uncles” and “cousins” of his. Of course…

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Family Time With the Bacons

I am so, so thankful I got pregnant with Tess when I did. Being pregnant with Casey was SO fun and having our babies so close together has been great! I also think it’s great…

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Valentine’s Day 2015

Valentine’s Day this year fell on a Saturday and was the same time the kids had a couple days off from school (I think they call it “Winter Break?”). If I’d realized all of this…

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