Father Daughter(s) Night

Our town does a Father Daughter Dance every year around Valentine’s Day. When I first heard about this I was hardcore about Zach taking Britt and future daughters. Growing up my dad traveled a lot for…

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Tess’s 6th Month Photos

Just like I was in denial that Tess was old enough to start eating solids…I also couldn’t believe it was already time for her 6 month photos! I feel like we just took her 3 months…

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Britt Monthly Summary: January

This is a summary of Britt’s month of January 2015! Curlers: Britt loves accessorizing and is SUCH a girly girl. I was thrilled to find the old school soft sponge curlers! I knew she’d love them…

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Library Snow Day 2015

Every year our local library hosts a “Snow Day” where they bring in ice and call it snow ๐Ÿ˜‰ For us in the south…it counts! Up until our ski trip this past December it’s the…

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Britt 3 Year Well Visit

Britt and I had a solo morning to her 3 year well visit. For Kye’s 4 year check-up Britt was 15 months old and we brought both kids to the check-up and had a combo…

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