Britt Monthly Summary December

December was Britt’s first month of being 3! Just like Kye’s monthly summary from this month, I don’t have a lot to include in Britt’s post either! A busy month means less day to day…

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Britt School Work ~ Fall 2014

Britt started school in August. She attends a 3 day a week, half-day program. Her class is for 2.5 year old kids so next year she will be in a 3 year old class. She…

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Christmas Break 2014

We LOVE travel. I love to go – go – go and usually the weeks leading up to Christmas are extremely busy. Including this year! I really love that after Christmas we just CHILL. We spend…

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Christmas 2014

I always get up mega early on Christmas morning so I can get ready for the day before all the babies get going! The big kids were up pretty early but we wanted to let…

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Christmas Eve 2014

First thing when we got up on Christmas Eve we got everything loaded in the cars (we had to take both of our vehicles to fit it all!) then headed over to Mrs. Charlotte’s house.…

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