Our Christmas and a New Tradition

Zach and I love going away together around Christmas time and exchanging gifts just the two of us. The more children we have, the more I’m thankful for this tradition. Holidays are CRAZY and it’s…

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Prepping for Christmas

This is a MEGA picture heavy, long post. This happens every year. I get super behind on blogging and then basically rush through Christmas!  Leading up to the holidays we have several traditions. This year…

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Tess’s 4 Month Well Visit

Tess had her 4 month well check-up on Dec 9th. These appointments keep falling on days when Britt doesn’t have school and when Zach can’t make it. So it’s some pretty hardcore girl time 😉…

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Last Ski Day

Having three full days on vacation is just the perfect amount of time! With this trip being so far from home we had to add an extra night (the night we stayed with Dad) to…

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Sled Day

Originally we had planned to have our 2nd day on the trip also be spent on the slopes. After we realized the HUGE savings by skiing on weekdays we decided to switch things up and…

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